
20lb ulua caught out on the east side

Friday, June 17, 2011

I do my part with Invasives too.

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this yet, this is kinda of a older catch of mine.(maybe like 2 or 3 months.) I just thought that i should show that i do, do my part in shooting invasive. This bad boy weighed in as my largest yet shot roi at 8lbs!  I didn't realize how big it was when i shot it in the water, i thought it was just another 5-6lber.(which we see kinda often) Little did i know that this fish was a personal record. Unfortunately it swam in the rocks with my shaft and slightly bent it. I was super irritated about that considering it wasn't a big ulua or anything. 

Im stoked on the catch and i printed it several times, keep in tune for the final gyotaku! ( when i get time to get to it . haha :-p)

8lb roi

rois with some kumus

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Miracle Fruit

I finally found the plant that I have been looking to grow! I've wanted to grow this plant for the past couple of years but I haven't been able to find it at any of the local nurseries due to the fact that it is a rare plant. The plant is called the Miracle Fruit or Miracle Berry. It makes a small, bright red berry that temporarily alters your taste buds when consumed. After eating the miracle fruit, one can eat easily consume normally sour items like lemons or limes, and they will taste sweet!. The plants grows slow, but can bare fruit after a little over a foot
this is a sample plant they had at the nursery, they said that they've
had it for over 5 years.

The miracle fruit plant that i bought
stands a little over a foot
I can't wait till my plant bares fruits!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Overkill for a passion

My dive partner and I went diving the other day off the zodiac. Getting ready for the dive, i realized how many guns we actually take on a day of diving. We had six guns total, three guns each. Both of us have one wood gun, one bigger euro, and one smaller euro. Each gun is used for a different reef and depth of diving. Is this overkill? what do you guys think. Keep in mind though, this was a full day of diving. Normally we would only take two guns each. The funniest thing is... both my dive partner and I, want to get a new gun to add to our arsenals. It never stops!