
20lb ulua caught out on the east side

Monday, December 17, 2012

Moving blogs.

Hello everyone, I've decided to switch blog hosting sites from blogger, to Wordpress.com . The reason, blogger doesn't allow for me to upload HD video unless its done through youtube. Also, blogger doesn't allow for me to blog on the go! I can't blog from my phone, and that makes things difficult because most of my online chorus are done through my iphone. I have high hopes and great plans for wordpress. I plan on using it as an actual website and a homebase for my photography, cinematography , travel, ocean, and school.  Once I get some money together, I'm going to purchase a domain name, and finalize the website customization. I wish for all of you to switch over and continue to stay connected with my blog. I will post news of my recent travels to Shanghai on wordpress soon.

Once I finalize the website, the blogspot blog will be shut down, so please update your bookmarks soon! Thanks guys .

new blog and soon to be website---->   http://onemoredrop.wordpress.com/